
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Grand Vapor - Private V2 (Tri-Tone) Clone - Review

So today I'll be doing a short and sweet review of a mechanical battery mod that was made in China, but is a clone of something that's made in the Philippines!  The Grand Vapor Private V2 (Tri-Tone) clone.

What's the old saying?  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".  I don't know about you, but as far as mech-mods go, this thing is a real beauty.  It's got lines, it's got curves, it's got venting and it's versatile too!

Look, the real Private V2 is super expensive (we're talking about more than $200).  I don't have access to a real one, but as I understand it, the only difference between the two, is that the real one has a floating center-pin that also happens to be Silver plated!  Hey, as far as I'm concerned, for $200+ the WHOLE MOD should be made of silver!  ;)

Now let's talk about size...

Any questions?  The Private V2 clone is THE smallest FULL-SIZED mod that I've ever put my hands on.  And by the way, every device pictured above is in 18350 mode WITH an 18350 battery in it.  Yes, that's right, there's not only an 18350 battery in it, but it works! I mention this, because most websites claim that it will NOT work in 18350 mode.  They're wrong.  I have the 18350 nipple-top battery from THIS review in it and it works great!  So if you're a size person and you want the one of the smallest ones you can get (67mm), the Private V2 is super small and compact, even when in 18650 mode!

There are 2 small things I need to mention about battery use though.  First of all the tube on this thing is TIGHT.  Meaning that you don't have to worry about your battery rattling around.  It can't!  So what this means, is that you have to be concerned about 2 small things.

1. You need to make sure that you insert your battery by removing the TOPCAP, not by removing one of the tubes.  If you try to insert your battery any other way, you'll never get it in.

2. It's my understanding that some of the 20A/30A batteries are ever so slightly thicker (we're talking hairs, not mm) and may prevent you from using those particular batteries in this mod.  I don't have any of those batteries (at this time), but I plan on getting a couple, if for nothing else, than for testing purposes.

How does it work?  It works very good.  As a matter of fact, I've been using it for about 2 months now and I've yet to have so much as a mis-fire!  Yeah, even I'm shocked!  :)  It's designed very well.  Having smooth threading and made of mostly Stainless Steel and Brass (with a Copper accent), it works like a dream.  And if you're one of those people who's really tough on your mods (ape-like) and you're afraid to get a mod with brass, don't worry, as the entire 510 connector is made of stainless! (você entende?)

The only thing you really have to be mindful of, is that Brass and Copper will tarnish over time.  So if you've got greasy, dirty fingers, you can rest assured that the brass and copper on your mod will have a nice patina in no time!  LOL!  Not to worry, just get yourself some FLITZ and you'll be in business!

Seriously though, if you're a beginner and you've never had a mechanical mod before, you really need to be careful.  If you do something you shouldn't (by mistake of course) and your mod blows up while it's in front of your mouth... Let's just say you won't be needing a dentist any more.  You'll be needing a plastic surgeon!  Yeah, mixing battery types or stacking 2-18350's is NOT a good idea with a mechanical mod.  PERIOD.  What on Earth would you be trying to Vape @ 8.2 Volts anyway???  You'd have to wrap like a 10Ω coil in order to prevent it from exploding!  That's what, 30 wraps of 30 gauge Kanthal?  I'm not sure I've got enough room on any of my wicks for that many wraps! LOL!?

So if you've got an RBA, RDA, or any device that you think would look good on this and you understand the safety concerns, I say go get one!  Especially if you have a Trident (or a Trident-type clone).  Just keep in mind that the safety concerns are not specific to this device, they're really meant for ANY mechanical device.

These are available at several places within the United States for about $25-$30.  As with all things, do your homework and find the best prices from a quality e-tailer!

As always, thank you so very, very, very much for your continued support, thank you for your comments and thank you for Liking it, Tweeting it, Sharing it, +1ing it and telling your dog about it, etc...  ;)

And don't forget, you can Follow this Blog by either clicking the "Join this site" link over in the right pane, or you can choose to "Follow" the blog and be alerted every time I post a new review!  (Also in the right pane)

(images used above are mine)


  1. Damn you Keith!
    Now...I'm wondering between the Magneto and this clone ; ;
    Happy to hear its..ape-bruteness resistent!

    1. Felix,


      To be honest, the Private V2 was originally designed to be a companion to the Trident styled drippers. If anyone would desire this particular mod, I'd recommend that they're certain that its styling goes with the device you're going to use on it.

      In other words, I don't think that it would work with a Kanger ProTank from an aesthetic sense. Certainly it would "work", but would it look right? Kind of like putting an ODDY on an eGo battery. Yeah, it'll work, but it's gonna look kinda ugly...

      As opposed to the Magneto, Sigelei #19, The Natural, VAMO 3, etc, that would match with just about everything...

      Thanks for your comments... :)


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