
Thursday, February 28, 2013

BluCig Disposable Review

So today we have the "bluCig Smoke Smarter" disposable, manufactured by bluCIGS.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dual Coil Tankomizer Review

So considering that most of the girls at my local shop love this tank, I had to bring one of these 6ml behemoths home and take one for a spin myself.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kanger T2 Review

UPDATED 5/22/2013 - If you're seriously interested in the Kanger T2, I'd suggest that you save your money and check out the ProTank instead!  Don't miss my review of the Kanger ProTank!

Remember, these reviews are for the sole purpose of helping you to find a QUALITY VAPING EXPERIENCE.  They're not here to further my blog and they're not here to denigrate or put down anyone.  If you like something that I say is "junk", that's great.  Use it and enjoy it.  But for those of you, who like me have an extremely sensitive sense of taste and smell, allow me to help you in your quest...

The Kanger T2 looks just like all the rest of the standard CE4, Vision or other Stardust type of Clearomizers.

On a direct suggestion from Eric from, I ordered a couple of Kanger T2's from his webstore.  Really quick and off-topic, Eric is awesome!  I contacted him and asked him for his opinions on several aspects of the different devices he sells and his answers were among the best and most complete answers I've received from anyone.  If you get the chance to communicate with him, tell him I said hi!  One quick note though, Eric never promised me the "perfect vape", but he suggested that I try it anyway, as many people have had good experiences with it.

Ok, so here's the scoop with this clearomizer.

The first 10 vapes, the eJuice tasted awful.  I was ready to toss it.

The next 20 vapes, the eJuice tasted like it was right out of the bottle, nice!

The next 24 hours, the eJuice lost it's flavor entirely, I felt like I was Vaping nothing.

The next 24 hours after that, I was sucking eJuice, like it was through a straw.  2 dis-assemblies and a quick run through with my air compressor, I managed to get the eJuice out (no I did not overfill the tank).

I managed to get another day out of it before it started to turn my PG eJuice a dark brown color and tasting burnt (I was using a standard light-colored eJuice. It started out the color of cream soda and wound up the color of Guinness!).

Would I suggest this to someone who wants a hassle-free Vaping experience?  No....

Remember, we're trying to replace cigarettes....
You don't light a cigarette and deal with awful taste, good taste, no flavor, etc...
You light it and unless you "hot-box" your smoke, it tastes the same from start to finish...

So while the Kanger T2 is a "well-constructed" clearomizer, I won't recommend it...

I hate the idea of disposables, so if you don't mind spending about a dollar more, you would do much better with an EVOD or for few dollars more, a Kanger ProTank.

If you appreciate what I'm doing here, you know what to do....
Like it, Tweet it, Share it, +1 it, tell your dog about it, etc...  ;)

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Standard Ego-C Atomizer/Tank Review

The "eGo thread" is currently the most versatile connector type in the eCig world, having both a 510 connector and the eGo threads.  From a "standards" point of view, the standard eGo battery offers the most battery life of all basic batteries.

However, that's where the usefulness of the "stock eGo" setup ends.

If you have an opportunity to purchase a "standard eGo" setup, don't... Get the upgrade!
The stock eGo-C setup comes with these tiny atomizers and uses a plastic tank to hold your eJuice.  Most printed literature will tell you that this setup should provide you with a weeks worth of Vaping, however real-life usage is more like 3-4 hours, perhaps a day if you're really lucky.

The stock eGo-C atomizer is so poorly constructed, that your eJuice will be burning in no time.  The problem is not so much with the atomizer, as it is with the incredibly tiny wick.  Once that wick burns, not only do you have to spend $3-$5 for another, but you've burned your eJuice and you either have to clean out your tank and start over, or replace it (for $3-$5) too!

While I can see some people thinking that this is a review to avoid the eGo-C, it's not.  It's a plea to not invest or waste your time and money on the stock config.  You'll have a much better experience if you go another direction.  As of this writing, a Kanger EVOD or a Kanger ProTank may be your best bet for reliability and flavor reproduction...

It's my hope that you can get away from cigarettes, so anything I can do to help steer you in a "better" direction is fine by me...

If you appreciate what I'm doing here, you know what to do....
Like it, Tweet it, Share it, +1 it, tell your dog about it, etc...  ;)

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two types of Vapers

As I've come to understand it, there are 2 basic categories of people who Vape:

1. The person who wants to find a less destructive way to smoke

2. The person who wants to find a less destructive way to smoke AND has made Vaping a hobby of sorts.

If you fall into the 1st, you just want to find an eJuice, an atomizer and a battery and you're done.  If you fall into the 2nd, you still want all that the 1st group wants, but you've got a passion to find an ever richer, ever better, ever more satisfying Vape!

Personally, I think I fall into the 1st category.  Not because I don't like the tech that goes into it, but because I've yet to find a CONSISTENTLY SATISFYING Vape, forget about it being "more satisfying".

I'm game for trying just about any devices/eJuices out there.

And if you want to give me something to try, let's talk!

Please make your suggestions and keep an eye out on the charts that I'm going to start preparing!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


So if you're new to Vaping (using e-Cigs), then you may have seen some interesting "words" being used.  This is going to be a quick post to explain some of the more common terms...

eCig - The short form of "Electronic Cigarette".  Traditional cigarettes are now being called "Analogs".  Which is funny, because nobody really calls eCigs "Digitals".  LOL!

eJuice - eJuice (also commonly referred to as e-Liquid) is the liquid that's used in an e-Cig to provide you with both Vapor and Flavor.  eJuices are available in a variety of flavors, covering everything from "name brand" cigarette flavors to things like fresh baked cookies, toffee, cappuccino and licorice (there may be 1,000's of flavor offerings at the time of this writing).  eJuices get their vaporizing "power" from either one of a combination of up to three common food additives, Vegetable Glycerin (also referred to as VG), Propylene Glycol (also referred to as PG) or from Polyethylene Glycol (Also referred to as PEG).  I know that none of those sound particularly appetizing, but I can assure you that as of this writing, all 3 of those have the BLESSING of the FDA to either be used in foods or even in medicines.  While eJuices can contain Nicotine, it's not mandatory.  eJuices are widely available in Nicotine strengths from 0mg and I've seen them as high as 36mg!

Wick - Usually made of either polyester fibers, oxidized stainless steel or oxidized ceramic, the wick is the part of the eCig that delivers the eJuice to the Atomizer Coil.

Coil - A small piece of conductive wire (usually Nichrome or Kanthal wire) that is wound around a Wick in order to produce a current that Vaporizes the eJuice.  Most Coils in use today are between 1.2 Ω and 3.0 Ω, with 2.6 Ω being the most common.

Atomizer - The atomizer is the part of the e-Cig that eVaporates the e-juice.  It's essentially a resistive coil with a small wick that heats up when an electrical charge is applied to it.

Tank - Exactly what it sounds like, it is a container used on many early e-Cigs to hold the eJuice.  Has much in common with a Cartridge, but usually holds twice as much eJuice.

Cartridge - Many e-Cigs use cartridges to retain the eJuice.  The eJuice is used along with an atomizer, thus creating Vapor for you to inhale.  Cartridges generally store their eJuice in an absorbent fiber of some kind.

Cartomizer - A compound word (sure to make it into Websters Dictionary within a couple of years) used to describe a single device that is both an Atomizer AND a cartridge in one.

Tankomizer -  Here's another of those magical compound words, used to describe the combination of a Tank and a Cartomizer (bet you thought I was gonna say Atomizer).  Picture a large, clear, cylindrical tank with a Cartomizer inside of it.  I'll be adding pictures in case you can't picture it yet.  All Tankomizers have "bottom mounted atomizers".

Clearomizer - And another compound word, used to describe a clear Tank and an Atomizer.  While a Tankomizer stores it's eJuice in both the clear Tank and the Cartomizer, the Clearomizer only stores its eJuice in the clear Tank itself.  Most (if not all) Clearomizers have what's called a "top mounted atomizer".

Rebuildables - The term Rebuildable is used in two ways.  The first is a reference to the ability to replace the atomizer and wick, thereby making your "mizer" non-disposable.  The second usage of the word Rebuildable would refer to what's known as "Genesis devices".  Not to be confused with the system designed by Dr. Carol Marcus, a Genesis is a Hybrid between a Clearomizer with the added ability of making your own Coil and Wick.

Update 11/20/2013: Since the original writing of this particular Blog post, the Genesis style of atomizer has been superseded by a whole range of devices, including: RDA's, Kayfun & even Oddy's.  Certainly there are still Genesis style atomizers being produced, but their overall flavor reproduction is far inferior, especially when compared to other types of devices.

This is an evolving Blog post.  If you understand these terms, you'll be able to join the conversation more comfortably.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Quitting smoking is possible!

You may think that quitting smoking is a total impossibility for you....
I'm going to tell you, that after 30 years of smoking cigarettes, not only is it possible, but I've been cigarette free for days (now months), at the time of this writing!

Here are my LIVE current statistics:

I'd love for this blog to become one of the channels within your life, that you can turn to for support.  You can't imagine how powerful just the slightest bit of encouragement can be!

Please follow this Blog and remember this quote:

Mark 10:27 - But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Welcome to Tasty Vapers!

There are hundreds of websites dedicated to reviewing eCig related stuff, tons of forums too.

The one thing that's missing, is someone to rate eCigs for their FLAVOR.  

If you're new to Vaping (using eCigs), then you might be surprised to know that your Vape should not only be a replacement for Analog cigarettes, but it should taste BETTER too.  

I'm going to review carto's, clearo's, tanko's and any other o's that I can get my hands on and review their FLAVOR reproduction.  In other words, I'm not going to just be rating eJuice (which is not as subjective as you may think), I'm going to primarily be rating the eCig's ability to reproduce the flavor consistently and reliably too!  

Won't you join me?

* Updated 8/6/2013