As we speak, I am awaiting the arrival of my first "Mechanical Mod"! This is a matched-set that includes 2 products from SmokTech... 1. The Natural (supports 18350/18650 batteries) 2. The RSST (which is a very exciting rebuildable)
UPDATE: Please participate in our anonymous POLL. It's for a really good cause! I warned you a few days ago that I'd be doing a review of my first RBA (ReBuildable Atomizer)... Well, I've been using the AGA-T2 for about 2 weeks now and I'm ready to give it a shot!
So I've been studying for the past 2 months about RBA's or Rebuildable Atomizers.
The idea is that instead of having a disposable (or something that lets you just replace the wick/atomizer assembly) that you instead have something that let's you CREATE your own wick and CREATE your own coil, CUSTOMIZED to your own specifications.
Keep an eye out, I'll be reviewing the AGA-T2... Update 4/11/2013: There are now 2 RBA reviews online for your review:
1. AGA-T2 Review 2. SmokTech The Natural + RSST Kit Review As this is an aging blog entry, please check the main page for newer, more updated reviews. Also, keep your eye on our "Charts" which appear on the right hand side of this blog...