
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Desperate for Boba's Bounty?

UPDATE: Please participate in our anonymous POLL.  It's for a really good cause!

As just about everyone who uses Boba's Bounty from Alien Visions knows, their online store has been closed (at this point) for about 3 weeks now.

Over the past 2 weeks, roughly HALF of all of the hits to this Blog are from people desperate to find anybody selling it.  Trust me, I've thought about having an eBay auction for the 30ml's of 18mg BB that's been steeping for the past 30 days.  So it's ready to go AND it's just sitting there, as I've been testing a lot of new eLiquids lately.  But I'm not going to...  LOL!

Here's what I know about the AVE website:

On June 3, they opened their online store for about 2 hours or so.  I know this, because I accidentally tried the site and got in.  I managed to order 3 eLiquids and within 5 minutes of placing my order, the site went down again AND has remained down since.

According to their Facebook page, GoDaddy was supposed to put them on a dedicated server, but didn't and instead put them on a shared server that only allowed them 100 connections.  Their new site shows you how many people are online, at the time I placed my order, here is what their site showed for connections:

318 anonymous connections & 170 registered connections!  That's 488 connections or 388 more concurrent connections than their server would have allowed.  And trust me, every other page load was rejected and I had to keep reloading the pages.

Why the problems to begin with?  Well, AVE has been using an antiquated system from the beginning.  They've had numerous issues with their credit card processing, etc.  This "upgrade" they're performing is supposed to eliminate their problems and give them a system they can grow into, as opposed to one to grow out of.

As of this writing I know the following:

a. My order shipped yesterday 6/6/2013
b. They HAVE been moved over to another server (I've been watching)
c. They have not updated their Facebook (or any other) pages since 6/4/2013

Let's just hope that these growing pains are the last ones we'll see.  Because if you think about it, if they're growing, then you can rest assured that they won't go out of business any time soon.  And THAT would be worse than a 3-week hiccup, right?

C'mon Ben, we're pulling for you!  If you need a seasoned IT guy to get in there and whip your programmers/consultants into shape, lemme know...  ;)  This whole process shouldn't have taken any longer than a week IF they had built it FIRST and then you could have "moved into it"...

I'd love to recommend another eLiquid for you to buy in the mean time, but if you check out THIS Blog post, you can see that I too have been struggling to find GOOD ELIQUIDS!

Update 6/12/2013 - Well, AVE had their store open and online for about 30 minutes this evening.  While I'm sure it went up FOR TESTING PURPOSES, as I understand it MANY people got orders in during that time.  As a matter of fact, I've heard from a couple of people who've never even tasted Boba's Bounty order 100ml bottles, just in case they like it!

Update 6/13/2013 - So it looks like AVE could possibly be back online for their "normal" ordering again (you know, normal as in, online for an hour and then locked up tight).  They still leave you out in the cold, to where you can't even look at their products or look up your order information though.  Hopefully this will change soon as it's rude and doesn't really make any logical sense.  I'll keep you in the loop as I find out more...

Update 6/15/2013 - So Ben (the owner of AVE) posted to his FaceBook today that they're really trying very hard to get things stabilized and that they're pushing to have everything fixed within the next couple of weeks and then to have the website back online in "catalog mode" during hours when they're not taking orders.  This is great news and I'll keep you updated if anything new happens!

Update 6/18/2013 - So they're up right now (3:20PM ET) and selling somewhat slowly.  I'm watching the quantity drop at a very even pace.  I guess that's what happens when you don't announce your opening/closing times...  Site closed after 30 minutes.  Still no "browse mode".

Update 6/22/2013 - So it looks like the AVE Website is back online!  At the moment I'm writing this, the store is up and it's in BROWSE MODE!  Meaning that you can't buy anything, but you can at least go shopping!  As far as appearances go, The site is a little bit 1998, considering all the time and effort that was just put into redoing it, but at least they're "open" again.

I'll keep this Blog entry updated in the event that I find out anything else...
Feel free to add your knowledge about the situation or other thoughts in the comments...

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