
Monday, June 3, 2013

Kanger ProTank Review - Followup

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So a couple of weeks ago I wrote a glorious review of the Kanger ProTank.
Today I want to do a followup review, now that I've had more time to use it.

There's apparently an epidemic of ProTanks out in the wild that are experiencing a "snapped off" 510 connector.  This is NOT GOOD Kanger.  There are a couple of e-tailers out there who are carrying replacement bases, but from what I've learned from Eric of, they're next to impossible to keep in stock.  Kanger is taking way too long to fulfill orders and customers are lining up around the block to buy them (so to speak).

I have been a recipient of one such ProTank.  Apparently unscrewing it to refill the eLiquid was too much for the metal and it just snapped off inside of my VAMO.  Fortunately, I was able to gently place a flat-head screwdriver inside the broken piece and simply unscrew it.  Yes, I turned it off and removed the battery first, mom....  ;)

Fortunately, I was still within my RMA period from and they are cheerfully replacing it for me.  It pays to get your gear from e-tailers who care!

Next, Kanger goof-up...

So knowing I'd have to wait for my RMA to be fulfilled, I went ahead and spread the wealth around a bit and purchased a second ProTank (did I mention that I love these things) from  Upon opening up the package, I inspected the contents and found that instead of coming with 2 - 2.5ohm heads, I received 1 - 2.2ohm head and 1 - 1.8 ohm head!

I contacted DiscountVapers, explained the situation and asked if they'd swap them out for me and the care and concern they showed me was beyond measure.  They told me to keep the wrong ones and they'd send me replacements right away! (I could give you the whole story, but why?  Isn't it enough to know that a seller stands by what they sell?)

Next, I wanted to re-post the addition to my original review...

Repost: My first 2.5 Ohm head lasted exactly 10 days!  I felt that was important to add to this review, as it factors into the total cost of ownership.  I replaced it with a 2.2 Ohm head, as I expected it to be warmer, but that was not the case.  The change to the 2.2 Ohm head is dramatic though.  After the coil had a chance to burn in, I found that 3.7V was way too much for this head and moved over to my VAMO, so that I could lower the voltage.  I figured I'd need to lower it to about 3.5V, but I had to drop it all the way to 3.1V in order to get the same Vape as I had with the 2.5 Ohm head (Don't ask me why I needed to go so low, I know that the math doesn't work, but I'm getting 99% the same performance).  Needless to say, I won't be purchasing any more of the 2.2 Ohm heads, as I prefer using my mechanical mod.  For those that are interested, the first head didn't stop working, rather, it's Vapor production decreased to about 25% of normal.  I haven't dissected it yet, but my suspicion is that the coil is fouled.  Upon dissecting it, I can confirm that of the 6 incredibly tiny wraps, 2 of them are heavily fouled.  After careful inspection of the wick/coil assembly, I can assure you that I will not even be considering rebuilding these atomizers.  If you're used to working with such tiny things, then your mileage may vary.  Again, the fouling is normal whether you're using an RBA, Disposable, Tank, etc.  Coils get a build-up on them and they stop working correctly.

Next, flavor and Vapor production...

The flavor and Vapor production has not wavered one bit.  The Kanger ProTank has become my full time, go-to device of choice and I'm so committed to using it that I've gone ahead and purchased a considerable amount of replacement heads, as the 2.5ohm heads seem to go out of stock very quickly.  As Eric from DiscountVapers says, "These sell like ice cubes in a desert!".  And trust me, he'd know.

I'm currently using my ProTank on my Sigelei Mechanical Mod #19, as I'm putting that mod through its paces for an upcoming review.  Keep your eyes peeled for that review!

Update 6/5/2013: Something that should have been in the original review but wasn't, is the capacity of the ProTank.  I am able to fit slightly over 3ml of eLiquid in the ProTank.  When I say "slightly", maybe it's 3.1, but it will absolutely fit at least 3.0ml.  I've got to tell you, at 2.5ohms, I'm not burning through as much eJuice as I do on my AGA-T2 with a .7ohm coil.  Because it's such a "lean Vape", I am easily going a full day on a single tank.  Trust me, I'm not looking for ways to "economize" my eJuice consumption.  As far as I'm concerned, I'll use as much as I need to use.  I just thought I'd mention it, as I'm sure someone out there is curious.

Update 6/15/2013: In the original review I "tested" Boba's Bounty which is a 100% VG eliquid and said it worked/tasted great.  What I didn't do as part of my testing, was to leave the eLiquids in there for any length of time, as I was doing basic testing.  IF you use 100% VG eLiquids (or Reduced PG) in your ProTank, YOU WILL FLOOD THE COIL.  I thought I had posted this somewhere, but I couldn't find it.  If I've already said it, please forgive me.  I monitor the searches that people use to wind up here and I want to make sure that my reviews are as complete as possible.  I use 50-50 PG/VG 24/7 and I never get a flood.  If you do get a flood, it's not the end of the world.  It clears up after a couple of solid puffs.  It'll happen again and again though.  the good news, is you won't be sucking eJuice through a straw.  It just floods the coil.

Update 7/21/2013: The ProTank has now been surpassed (in my eyes) by the KamryTech X10.  Read the review HERE!

Aside from wishing that the ProTank was as  w i d e  as an AGA-T2 (for appearance sake), I'm pretty happy with it overall.  If Kanger gets their act together and REDESIGNS this base, they may well be in possession of the greatest tank to hit the streets since the Z-Atty!  And that's no joke...

If you haven't seen it, here's my original review for the Kanger ProTank!

Update 8/4/2013: Also and very important... There's now a 2nd followup to the ProTank review online that answers the Top 10 questions about the "ProTank Compatibles".  This of course includes the ProTank, X10, EVOD, Davide, PuriTank, etc.  Check it out HERE!

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(images used in this post  are mine)


  1. Absolutely fantastic review!!

    I can't thank you enough... But your reviews are so far above any others I have read or watched, it's actually embarrasing!

    Your follow-ups are a much needed part of this as well.

    Thank you,Thank you,Thank you!!!!

    I was --> <-- close to putting through my order for an RSST when I acidentally stumbled upon your site/review... It was to be my first RBA... I think I will try the Protank instead for now :)

    1. What an enthusiastic comment... :) Thank you so much Trashcat! That's the reason this Blog was created in the first place. There are plenty of good reviews out there to be found, but I'm glad you found this one useful. One suggestion, I'd recommend a 50/50 mix on the ProTank. 100% VG seems to over-saturate the wick and it floods the coil (not the airhole/vaping duct though). Thanks again...

  2. awesome review, very detailed thank you so much

  3. Had same problem with heads, they just stop working after a week or so. it still makes vapor, but very small one and taste like a ****. But i ordered two new ones as this is mu first atomiser that tastes GREAT and while new, does enoug vaport too.

  4. Thanks for the review and the continued updates!


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