
Sunday, June 2, 2013


Is it really too much to ask, for a quality made eLiquid with a STRONG and PRESENT flavor?  Is it really too much to ask for an eLiquid with a GOOD and LASTING flavor?  Is it really too much to ask for an eLiquid that is CONSISTENTLY and RELIABLY made?

There MUST BE an eLiquid producer somewhere out there, who is using high quality ingredients with no toxins or other flavor enhancers, who also has eLiquids that fit the above description?

Is Alien Visions the only producer who can do this with their Boba's Bounty eLiquid?  That company MUST BE making money hand over fist.  If you can do it and you need help getting your name out there CONTACT ME!

Must have your own website
Must be ecommerce ready with ability to process credit cards
Must be ready willing and able to offer SERIOUS customer service
Must be willing to charge REASONABLE PRICES
Your eLiquid MUST taste just as good in an RBA as it does in a Stardust

Your reward?  LOTS OF MONEY!

There are hundreds of thousands of people out there searching through Google every single day, trying to find the perfect all-day Vape.  Most of them ARE NOT willing to spend $1 per ml though.  I know that I'm not!  If you can't figure out a business model that puts you at under 60¢ per ml, then good luck with that.

Personally, I want to see REAL fruit flavors.  Flavors like Watermelon, Grape, Strawberry, REAL Orange, Non-Tank cracking Pineapple.

Somebody out there MUST have done this already right?
The question is, WHY CAN'T I FIND YOU???

And believe me, I'm not looking for free anything...
I've got cash and if you've got the product I want, I'm willing to spend it!

So here's your chance eLiquid makers...
There's a comment section below...

Just please don't waste your time talking about how "flavor is subjective".  I'll just delete the comment as it's untrue AND it's misleading in this context.  Flavor is flavor.  Oranges should taste like oranges, Grapes should taste like grapes, Strawberries should taste like strawberries.  If you can't do that, then just please move along.  If you can, I probably want to BUY YOUR eLIQUID!

---exasperated sigh

Update 8/4/2013: If you do not meet the 5 requirements indicated above, please do not comment with any offerings here.  Any comments containing email addresses will be removed.  If you wish to contact me directly, please use the contact form in the right-hand column.  My fault, I should have clarified this from the beginning.

Update 9/24/2013: Again, and I can't stress this enough...  Please let me be clear.  If you don't MEET THE 5 REQUIREMENTS shown above, then I'm not interested.  I'm getting upwards of 4 contacts per week asking a variation of the following (insert stoner voice here), "Hey, I've made this bubblegum flavor and it doesn't have any nicotine or anything, but I was wondering if I could send you some to try.  It'd be nice to get my name out there, it'll give me some cred."  If you don't meet the 5 requirements, please save yourself the trouble...  And I definitely don't want ZERO nic.  Are you trying to kill me?  ;)

If you appreciate what I'm doing here, you know what to do....
Like it, Tweet it, Share it, +1 it, tell your dog about it, etc...  ;)


  1. I know what you're going through... I have been on a seemingly endless search for a solid, consistent, affordable, and readily available e-juice vendor for about a year now. I jumped on the MBV train based on the chatter and of the 25 or so juices I've ordered, only 2 have made the cut! 2! Most Sheeople want their juice NOW and Cheap- this is why MBV has a following.. even if it's crap. Also, the whole +1-5 flavor shots along w/ every PG/VG ratio options is ridiculous & people who don't like what they get will actually blame themselves based on that combination. Either they don't know quality or they just convince themselves that sub-par is the norm. I know I did. So I kept searching/ordering and found a lesser-known vendor called AltCig. They, along with several other like-minded vendors, actually CREATE juices by mixing and steeping various forms until they know they have a winner. THIS is what you should look for. I can safely recommend any of AltCig's juices only because I know this. I will still continue to try others, especially now that I know what to avoid and what to look for when it comes to how vendors promote and sell their respective juices. Good luck & godspeed! -Tyler

    1. Tyler,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.

      I'm thrilled that you've finally found an eLiquid maker that produces things to your standards.

      I've only ever heard 1 or 2 comments about them and I see that they only opened up shop last year. I don't really know anything about that vendor, but if they were to contact me I wouldn't hesitate to review their eLiquids.

      As a matter of fact, if they're really as good as you say they are, I'd scrap my eLiquid development project and buy from them.

      Again, thanks for your comments. The 2 of us are definitely not alone...

  2. Well I'm a month behind but I'll still give my recommendation ����. I too have spent so much $$$$ in search of a good e liquid. But ALAS I found it. DRUM ROLL ROLL ROLLLL.

    If you haven't tried them check out good life vapor. Here's the link.

    1. Hey April,

      It's never too late to be right on time... ;)

      Every one of these Blog entries are here for discussion purposes, so if anyone has something constructive to offer it's always welcomed!

      Sadly, their website is offline (reminds of of AVE), so I can't really see anything about their current offerings. I did however look at an archived version of their site. Very interesting.

      Thanks for the recommendation...

  3. I second April recommending
    I enjoy their Deadly Sin, Melon Boba and Magic Fairy. is another good vendor I found. I enjoy their Lemonades whether straight or flavored with cherry and their Lemon Ice as well.
    Both have been consistent with me and the service is excellent.

    1. Mazen,

      Thank you so much for your recommendation, but neither GoodLife nor MrE has what I refer to as "Reasonable Prices".

      11ml - Deadly Sin w/shipping is about 74¢ PER ml of eLiquid

      6ml - Lemon Ice w/shipping is about $1.13 PER ml of eLiquid!

      Granted, if you buy larger quantities the prices get very reasonable, but I (like many people) can't afford to shell out between $18 and $30 per bottle of eLiquid - JUST TO TRY IT...

      Not only is it a ripoff, it's not fair. Having spent a fair amount of time researching the production of eLiquid, a 30ml bottle OF USA MADE eLiquid can be produced for about $2. And that includes the bottle, label, nicotine & flavorings! $15 profit is what I call "robbery" on a $2 item...

      Whether they have a B&M or a website is irrelevant. As the customer, I should be able to purchase these products at a more affordable price.

      But I'm sure there are some people with deep-pockets who will appreciate these recommendations.

      Thank you for your comments Mazen...

      PS: This is one of the primary reasons that I don't purchase Boba's Bounty too often. I consider it a "Luxury Vape"... An ADV has got to be more affordable than that! Keep your eyes peeled, I've got some new suppliers sending me stuff to try.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous,

      Thank you so much for trying to point both myself and my readers to a fake site that not only tries to redirect you to another site, but also tries to infect your computer with a virus.

      Content removed.

  5. GC Vapors is up for the challenge! We began with retail stores and have been so successful that we have branched out, opened up a state-of-the-art lab (anticipating FDA regulations) and started an authorized vendor program! Our retail website (that meets your guidelines) is In regard to retail price point, $6/10ml is definitely possible but not in a "clean" lab, with quality ingredients and with doctorate level educated "mixologists." We do have $.59/ml on our 30 ml bottles though. The best I've been able to do on a 10ml is .69. So...where do we send our samples???

    1. GC Vapors Mixologist,

      If you wouldn't mind, I have a couple of questions that I and my readers would like to have answers to.... Here's your opportunity to reach 18,000 potential readers every month. Answer wisely! :)

      1. I see that right now you're offering FREE shipping on even a single 10ml bottle. Is that your normal practice or is this a special of some kind?

      2. I see that your 10ml bottles are $7 each. Is that because there's shipping attached to that bottle or is that your normal price?

      3. In your "fruit flavors" category, you say you have "no bananas", because it's "hard on plastic tanks", but in your "sweet eats" category, the first choice is a "banana pudding". What gives?

      4. I noticed that you're using PERCENTAGE to indicate total nicotine volume as opposed to the more standard "by weight" totals (Your 1.1% vs Standard 11mg). Most new Vapers I meet are confused using your methods. Have you thought about changing it or do you have a good reason (that you'd like to share with us) in order to perhaps educate us better on why you do it that way?

      5. One of the requirements to this "challenge" is that your eLiquids taste just as good in a CE4 as they do in a Protank, Kayfun, IGO-L, DCT or a Z-Atty Pro (as examples). What kind of testing has GC Vapors conducted (by its Doctorate Level Mixologists), in order to ensure this type of performance in almost any device?

      6. What are GC Vapors TOP-5 flavors based on your ordering history since opening up shop?

      7. Do your eLiquids REQUIRE steeping or are they 100% ready to go out of the bottle?

      8. What's so great about GC Vapors and why should my readers try your products?

      If I like your responses, please leave your first name in your reply and I'll get in touch!

      Thanks for having the courage to "step forward"...

    2. We are anxious to get all of your questions answered as quickly as possible! I will submit them to our lab first thing Monday morning! I really hope we meet your expectations! Here are a few, Pastor. What's your brand of preaching just curious? Guessing ELCA maybe? UCOC?

      #1 Right now we are offering free shipping on orders $34.99 & higher as well as on liquids. Our 10 ml price sells for 6.99 in the retail store. If you live outside of Mississippi you actually get it for less because sales tax isn't applied. We started the 6.99 price months ago as a "special" but we decided to keep it around.
      2. As stated above, 6.99 for a 10ml originated as a special in the retail store but our customers really seem to like it!
      #3 Banana Issues - Yes, evidently in order to get the best "true"banana flavor we have sourced essential oils that a plastic tank can't handle. They absolutely can't do straight up Banana. They do so-so with Banana Pudding. So far...we haven't had any issues with plastic tanks and the Banana Nut Bread. We have another fabulous flavor, Al's Toid that can only be vaped in a glass tank for similar reasons. Pure peppermint oil and plastic tanks don't do well either...and neither does pure cinnamon oil.
      #4 I will refer that one to the lab
      #5 I will also refer this to the lab- But I know most of our customers are not using glass tanks and they love our liquids. They know the ones they can't have because we designate them as such.We have very high quality control standards. If a new flavor is introduced and we have a complaint about a flavor arise in any tank, we pull the batch by batch ID and start troubleshooting.
      #6 I will verify this with our retail store managers but I *think* they are Backbay Tobacco, Menthol Tobacco, Asian RY4, Dragon's Blood (which of course is our own recipe as are all) and either sweet& tarty or honey blend tobacco.
      7. I have vaped a bottle right out of the lab and it was great - however, they do tend to be better after steeping a bit- like a good home brew beer :) But, I'll ask the lab about that one too.
      8. The benefits offered by GC Vapors are the expertise of our staff - which comes in very handy when you have a dripping protank you can't figure out or a new customer just learning. When we have a new customer, we teach them the basics of vaping and then walk them through the process. We first have them try all 6 levels of nicotine to see which feels best to them, Then, we let them loose on the flavor bar for as long as they want to try out the flavors. Then, we help them pick out a battery & tank (or a kit) that will work best for their needs and make sure they know how to use it before they walk out the door. Our service after the sale is consistent as well. Our staff are available in person or by phone during business hours and we respond to emails within 24 hours- but most of the time much quicker. In regard to trying our product, I'm mainly referring to our e-liquid.We do strive to carry quality products such as Ovale and Kanger in our stock but obviously don't manufacture them. We stand out over the competition in our quality and consistent liquid. While the FDA has not "approved" any liquids we can state that every ingredient in our liquid is individually approved for consumption. Then there are the recipes. With our team having scientific backgrounds, they know how to adjust ratios of PG,VG,Flavors,and Nicotine in safe AND savory combinations. Once a recipe is approved, it is followed consistently so that our customers can expect every bottle of Back Bay to taste just like the one from a week ago. Our liquids are not created in the back closet of our retail store. We purchased a facility specifically for our liquid lab. We built it and operate under the guidelines that we fully expect to be mandatory soon. Not only are we ready for your challenge, Pastor, we are ready for the government!
      I'll have more answers for you soon - but tis the season for waiting, correct? Peace, Bethany

    3. Strike the preaching brand question- Just read your other blog. I know the ELCA & The UCOC are the big box brands that have their leaders go by "Pastor," So many titles for simply a man taking God's call to spread God's message! I LOVE that you are spreading the message of VAPING too!!

    4. Way to answer some questions Bethany!

      Please send me a comment, using the "comment form" in the right-hand pane of this blog. Include a phone number and a good time to call and I'd like to follow up with a quick phone call...

      As for "Preaching Brand", the fact that you used the word "brand" scares the you know what out of me (I don't blame you, it's just a word... lol). Because that's what Jesus has become in this country.... A product that people want to sell and make money off of! It makes me SICK! You know the story of when Jesus overturned the tables of the money-changers? That's how I feel!

      I work as a Discipleship Pastor, so I don't (nor could I) ever teach what the Lutherans or the Church of Christ teaches. If you pick up a Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your reading, it's impossible to believe much of anything that those religions teach.

      As for the Biblical "Title" of Pastor, throughout the New Testament it's used interchangeably with the terms Elder, Deacon, Bishop & sometimes even Teacher. The word Pastor comes from the Latin word for "Shepherd", which by the way, makes me think about how God chose the perfect word to use, in order to describe that special someone that He would have responsible for PROTECTING what He refers to as SHEEP!

      Thanks for the questions & answers and I look forward to speaking with you soon....

    5. Yes, "Brand" probably isn't a good word but that's exactly what it feels like when the various groups banter back and forth fighting for membership/aka dollars.and, it seems like it would be hard for a pastor to truly preach what God has placed on his heart if he has to preach within the guidelines of denominational doctrine... I like your style :)

  6. More answers to questions:

    Regarding % nicotine vs weight the exciting answer is that you can go with either and there was truly no "reason" to go with percentage other than that seemed to be the direction more of the wholesalers were going with. They're both accurate.

    The lab tests all new flavors on several different hardware models- some with cartomizers, glass tanks, plastics. etc primarily so that we can provide better service to our customers. If we find that a particular flavor doesn't work well in a specific tank we want our sales people to be able to advise the retail customers of that. The flavors on the website (with the exception of the ones that are notated as glass only) have good quality across the spectrum. That being said, if you vape in a $5 vision tank vs a pro-tank mini you're going to get what you pay for the same as if you put gas in a yugo vs a BMW- sometimes the delivery system plays a role in overall quality.

    The lab confirmed that steeping is "preferred" for optimal flavor but not required. Unless we are extremely busy, the liquids have steeped for several days prior to shipment so it's not really an issue for us.

    The top 5 flavors- No one want to commit to a good answer on this one! If you're looking at net revenue, the Tobacco flavors (Back Bay, Menthol, Black Honey,etc) are the best sellers. This is most likely because newer vapors like to stick with a familiar tobacco taste. Once people branch out from Tobacco you have a whole different "popularity scale" in which our custom Dragon's Blood, Funky Dip and Caramel Cappuccino are the best sellers. Strawberry and Watermelon are the top "fruit" flavors.

    Sorry, no brilliant insight but I think that answered all of the questions! Bethany

  7. Hi Pastor Keith,

    Your 5 requirements
    Must have your own website:
    Must be ecommerce ready with ability to process credit cards: yes
    Must be ready willing and able to offer SERIOUS customer service: I don't know any other way
    Must be willing to charge REASONABLE PRICES: Your pricing threshold is met at our 30ml at about $0.60 an ml.
    Your eLiquid MUST taste just as good in an RBA as it does in a Stardust: Our eliquid tastes great across tanks, rba's, cartomizers, clearomizers, and so on.

    We are adding new flavors constantly. As far as a coveted all day vape, I know several on our list can qualify. I am personally very partial to the smoked apple, and Mint Chocolate. Our blueberry is great but smells more like a blueberry muffin rather the fruit. Our watermelon and strawberries and cream are excellent as well.

  8. Dude you should definitely try out if you are looking for the best e juice.

    They have a good selection of flavors that are only made with all natural ingredients and within the United States.

    They have a website, cc processing, customer support employees, and their pricing is well under $1 per mL retail, and even more so wholesale.

    The packaging is all glass to preserve those all natural flavors and to maintain freshness. They also have great graphics design work on the labels to really help out resellers.



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