
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Review: 3 eLiquids from Dekang

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So with a 2 out of 3 score against boutique eLiquid makers, I've decided to "import" 3 fruit flavored eLiquids directly from China.  I figured it would be an excellent test to see if maybe China can do something that we can't...

I've tried a few different Dekang "tobacco oriented" flavors and they all seem to taste pretty fair.  I figured that since I can't find any good eLiquids here at home, that perhaps my search for a quality USA made eJuice could be in vain.

Here are my rating criteria for judging eLiquids:

  • Taste - Does it taste like what it says it's supposed to taste like?
  • Lingering Flavor - Does the flavor have PRESENCE & does it last?
  • Vapor Production - Does it make lots of Vapor?
  • Throat Hit - Is the throat hit too weak, too strong, or just right?
Testing Notes: One of the things I see all too often, is that "Flavor is subjective".  NO, your individual tastes may be subjective, but flavor is flavor.  I've never had a steak that tasted like chicken.  I've never had an orange that tasted like a banana.  I've never had a cup of coffee that tasted like Hawaiian Punch.  If you ever see me give an eLiquid a bad review, it's because they TASTE BAD and not because I don't like a particular flavor.  I don't care for the flavor of peaches and mangoes, so you won't see me review anything that contains those. Understand? For more information on this topic please read THIS Blog post...


All eLiquids were ordered as 18mg nicotine strength and 100% PG...
They will be reviewed in the order they were reviewed...

Watermelon - At the top of my list of flavors to try is watermelon.  There's just something tasty about that fruit that really appeals to me.  Trust me, ask Jolly Rancher how many zillions of watermelon flavored candies they've sold over the past 30 years and you'd know it's a popular flavor.  So how can I describe this one?  Ok, I'm going to be generous here and say that this eLiquid tasted like "Watermelon RIND".  You know, the GREEN STUFF on the outside of the watermelon, the stuff you're not supposed to eat.  I don't know about you, but the rind of a watermelon is not very tasty to me.  Thankfully, there was no lingering flavor and the Vapor production was excellent and throat hit was mild.  This was not a pleasant Vape.  Strike 1...

Grape - Again, at the top of my list of flavors to try is grape.  I would describe this as absolutely FLAVORLESS.  The aroma of the eLiquid inside of the bottle reminded me of Dawn dishwashing liquid.  Is that an insult to Dawn or a compliment, because I thought it tasted like their soap smells?  Anyway, HUGE disappointment here.  No flavor equals nothing to linger and of course the Vapor and throat hit were excellent.  Strike 2...

Raspberry - I was going to get strawberry, but I figured with my recent disappointment with that flavor that I'd try something similar, but clearly different.  This was the darkest of the 3 eJuices and I suppose I was hoping that at least *1* of these would taste like what they're labeled as.  I was able to barely detect "a flavor" in this eLiquid, but I'd be hard pressed to tell you what it is.  Whatever it is, it's almost non-existent and not particularly good.  Sadly, the flavor (what little there was) did linger for several moments and again, the Vapor production and throat hit were as expected (sort of).  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this one was mislabeled as "high".  I believe that this was easily a 24mg eLiquid as I started to get high while Vaping it.

So am I disappointed overall?  YES, I'm very disappointed.  How can Dekang get their dozens of tobacco related eLiquids to have good, lingering flavor and yet they can't reproduce FRUIT?  I'm pretty sure that fruits grown in China taste the same as fruits grown anywhere else, so I can only conclude that Dekang is letting their quality control standards slip.

All 3 were tested on my Sigelei Mechanical Mod #19 (which I'm still testing for review) and on my VAMO.  I've found that when I get some eLiquids with odd/no flavor that it helps to crank up the Voltage.  That was a waste of time in this particular case, but was worth mentioning for completeness.  I also used the Kanger ProTank to test each of the eLiquids as I have found it to be an excellent device for both its flavor & Vapor production.

I will clearly not recommend these 3 eLiquids to anyone.  Yes, at $6 for 30ml they are exceeding inexpensive, but it's a waste of money if flavor is important to you.  Of course, if you're taste buds are dead from too many years of smoking harsh cigarettes, you may like this eLiquid.  It produces a phenomenal amount of Vapor for 100% PG eLiquid and if you can't taste it anyway, why spend more on something else?

UPDATE 7/14/2014: Somehow this particular post has become the victim of a BOT-COMMENTER.  Therefore, this post now has commenting disabled.  :(

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(image used above is mine)


  1. are you into tobaccos? if so try Desert vapes USA light in VG. Its the only thing that has been holding me over since AVE disapeared. Its the only juice ive found that i can all day vape. Not incredibly potent flavor wise but it does the trick. the owner is really cool too

  2. I do realize that this is an old thread, but I merely wanted to point out that he above listed picture of Dekang 30ml bottles, are in fact not genuine bottles and the labeling is quite different. Genuine Dekang Liquid, has YNDK inscription on the bottle cap.
