
Friday, May 31, 2013

Review: 7 eLiquids from Crystal Canyon Vapes

UPDATE: Please participate in our anonymous POLL.  It's for a really good cause!

Remember, these reviews are for the sole purpose of helping you to find a QUALITY VAPING EXPERIENCE.  They're not here to further my blog and they're certainly not here to denigrate or put down anyone...

If you like something that I say is "junk", that's great.  Use it and enjoy it. 

So this week, I'll be reviewing 5 7 eLiquids from Crystal Canyon Vapes (

Since the Strawberry Shortcake eLiquid I've been getting from ECBlend is blended too inconsistently for my tastes, I've decided to try some "fruity flavors" from another seller.  In my opinion, I rate eLiquids like I rate my cigarettes.  If "Marlboro Reds" tasted different every time, they'd never have created the true brand that they have.  If you can't make your stuff taste the same RELIABLY, then you may be in the wrong business.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Upcoming Reviews for June 2013

So due to a decision I made a week ago, the eLiquid review has been delayed and will appear on this Blog either 5/31/2013 or during the month of June...

Update 5/31/2013: The CCVapes Review is up!.

Upcoming review #1: Sigelei Mechanical Mod #19
Everybody and their grandma has an opinion on these, I happen to think that this mod is a real diamond in the rough, but only placing one into my hands can confirm that.

Update 8/23/2013: The Sigelei #19 Review is finally UP!

Upcoming review #2: I'll also be doing a re-visit on the Kanger ProTank.

Update 6/3/2013: The ProTank followup is now online Here!

Upcoming review #3: I'll be reviewing 3 different Dekang fruit flavored eLiquids, right off the boat from China.  I've had an excellent experience with the Tobacco flavors, I'm very interested in how well they pull off fruity flavors.  At $6 for 30ml's it's hard to pass up the opportunity.  If they're good, I'll be thrilled.  If not, I can't compain...

Update 6/2/2013: The Dekang review is now online Here!  And I did complain!  :)

Upcoming review #4: 3 new eLiquids from Alien Visions!  They're back online again!  If they can only get their website issues sorted out...  Does AVE have what it takes to make everything delicious, or is Boba's Bounty a fluke?

Update 6/11/2013: The AVE review is now online... Catch it HERE!

Upcoming review #5: I decided that I needed an RDA (a dripping type of rebuildable atomizer) to be able to get all of the nuances of the different flavored eJuices that I'm reviewing.  I've got an SM2.0 (also referred to as an SM20) on its way from China, and I've got to tell you that I'm really looking forward to this build!  Can anything really taste any better than my Kanger Protank?  We'll just have to see!
Update 8/23/2013: The Review for the SM2.0 has put put on permanent hold.  Maybe you'd be interested in the SmokTech Octopus?

Use the "Follow" link on the side of this Blog to be notified of updates...
I won't be spamming you, as I'm 99% certain that I don't get your email addresses...

Update 6/11/2013 - Additional Updates for June 2013 are HERE
Update 6/13/2013 - More Updates for June 2013 are HERE

(images used above sourced from &

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Quit Smoking Analog Cigarettes Yet?

It's hard to believe that:

a. I haven't smoked more than FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED cigarettes
b. That I've become "one of those people" who is disgusted by the image above

Tobacco free for just over 100 days now, and to be quite honest I'm not aware that I feel any different.  People have a tendency to overcompensate when they repent of something they shouldn't have been doing to begin with.  You know, "look at me, look at the great thing I've done".  It's their way of getting others to compliment and help to motivate themselves.

I don't need a pat on the back.  I'm pretty sure that I never needed to be told that placing a small, cylindrical stick filled with chopped and crushed tobacco leaves, that's wrapped in a piece of paper coated with formaldehyde (also known as embalming fluid and it's used to slow the burning process of the paper) between my fingers, lighting it on fire and then putting it up to my lips and inhaling the resulting micro-particulate ashes into my lungs CAN'T POSSIBLY be a good thing.

Quite honestly, I'd probably still be smoking those disgusting things if it weren't for eCigs!

Have you given those nasty things up yet?
Do you want to?

It could help to make your remaining days on this rock more comfortable...
And if not yours, then perhaps someone that you love very much...

Finding an easy to use and reliable way to do it is why this Blog is here!

Use the link on the right side of this page to follow this Blog...
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(image used above sourced from

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kanger ProTank Review

UPDATE: Please participate in our anonymous POLL.  It's for a really good cause!

The ProTank followup is now online Here!

So the last time I reviewed a Kanger product, I was pretty much ready to throw it out the window. (don't get excited, it's just a figure of speech)

This time however, I'm ready to put this product into my soon to be created "Hall of Fame"!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Upcoming Reviews for May 2013!

This blog gets a LOT of traffic, but I've yet to get any comments...
(hint, hint...)

In any event, keep your eyes peeled for 2 exciting new reviews:

1. The Kanger ProTank

2. 5 7-eLiquids from Crystal Canyon Vapes

I'm really looking forward to both of these reviews for a couple of reasons:

1. I like being able to make my own coil & wick, but I hate having to make my own coil & wick...  Did that make sense?  I like the flexibility of getting to remake my setup whenever I want, to the specifications I want, but I hate dealing with an RBA, especially when I can't even lay it down, for fear of leaking.

2. I love my Boba's Bounty, but after 100ml's of it, I need to switch out for a little bit (not to mention the fact that Alien Visions website is also offline as of this posting).  The other part, is that the eLiquid purchases I get from ECBlend are too erratic.  I've now received 3 batches of Strawberry Shortcake from them and I've received 3 drastically different shipments.  The last 2 tasted bland and not even remotely like the original 1st shipment.

Needless to say, consistency has been one of the major things I've been looking for since I began Vaping.  I'm still looking...

Keep your eyes peeled!

UPDATE 5/20/2013 -  Review for Crystal Canyon Vapes is almost up!