
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Upcoming Reviews for July 2013

Far be it from me than to let anyone down, but I've been running into all sorts of issues/problems with 2 of the things that were at the top of my list for June...

I've been writing my reviews, but due to some issues, I've got nothing else this month.

The review for the SmokTech Octopus 2.0 is now officially on hold.  I've watched just about every video on YouTube regarding drippers, I've listened to everything everyone has ever said about drippers and I've used whatever personal knowledge that I have about drippers and there's a problem.  My experiences are NOT matching what I'm expecting.  I believe that this is the very nature of Science.  You can't learn anything from an experiment that goes well, you can only learn from your failures.  Suffice it to say, that I'm learning more than I anticipated.  So until I get to the bottom of some serious issues, this review is on hold.

Update 7/19/2013: Correction... This review is now UP, check it out HERE!

1. The review for the Sigelei Mechanical Mod #19 has taken as long as it's taken, because there are some design flaws with this mod.  I have overcome BOTH OF THEM, but it took a while because I was waiting for parts to come in from China AND I had to test them thoroughly.  You won't see any sanded down, chopped up, soldered or replaced screws, springs, nuts or bolts in my fix.  But still, I'm only now ready to write my review.  I should have it online early July.

Update 8/2013: The Sigelei #19 review is UP, check it out HERE!

2. The eLiquid from Uno Vapor has remained one of my stable, go to eLiquids for months.  This review is next up on my list.  It shouldn't take me too long, as I've been using it for so long.

Update 6/29/2013: The Uno Vapor review is UP, check it out HERE!

3. The 36 eLiquids from NicoPure Labs is also back on hold, until I get a properly functioning /properly performing dripper that doesn't cost $100.  If you're a "Dripper Guru", someone who knows how to get a dripper to really perform, I want to hear from you.  Please use the comment form at the right to contact me.  Apparently I don't know enough to do this by myself.  I say "apparently", because I've used every ounce of logic I possess and I still don't come up with anything even close to what I see some people doing in videos.  Either they're doing something they're not revealing (like vaping at .2ohms and using 8.4V, thereby destroying the flavor of their eLiquid) or I'm just not picking up on something that I should be able to.  If you think you can help me, please contact me.

Update 7/19/2013: Correction... This review is UP, check it out HERE!

4. Based on the hits to this Blog and the emails I've been receiving from my contact form, I'm considering doing a SECOND followup for the Kanger ProTank.  Apparently there's more that people want to know and there are more discoveries that I've made that I should share.  So look for that as part of the July 2013 offering.

5. On the heels of the ProTank, I've got a Kanger EVOD on its way.  Based on all of the reviews I've read and based on the design of the device, I can't help but wonder if the EVOD isn't just a less expensive alternative to the ProTank, with the same flavor/Vapor & performance!  If I'm right, move over Stardust, because the EVOD is THE CE4+ killer!  Again, look for this in July.

Update 7/18/2013: The Kanger EVOD review is UP, check it out HERE!

6. Something I should have reviewed ages ago, is the Stardust.  I'll be reviewing a CE4 & a CE5.  To be honest, I'm not particularly thrilled about it as I hate wasting money.  But what's a couple of dollars if it helps you to get away from the nasties, right?  ;)

7. If you have not yet done so, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, participate in our anonymous POLL.  It's for a really good cause!  And then after you've voted, please share it with every Vaper you can find.  I'd love to get a sample of at least 1,000 votes in the next 30 days.  Won't you help me?  :)

dankie, faleminderit, chokrane, saha, Barak Allahu fiik, chnorakaloutioun, çox sag olun, a ni kié, eskerrik asko, Дзякую, dhanyabaad, tangio tumas, a ni kié, hvala, trugéré, мерси, thint ko, gràcies, Баркал, wado, zikomo, 谢谢, grazie, hvala, děkuji, tak, tashakor, gha-ana, na som, dank u wel, thank you, dankon, tänan väga, akpé, akiba, takk fyri, vinaka, kiitos, merci, dankewol, gracie, graciñas, merkzi, დიდი მადლობა, danke, ευχαριστώ, aguyjé, aabhar, mèsi, nagode, mahalo, toda, dhanyavad, köszönöm, takk, imela, terima kasih, taiku, go raibh maith agaibh, arigatô, tanemirt, dhanyavadagalu, rahmet, អគុណ, matondo, murakoze, 감사합니다, sobodi, tenki, spas, Рахмат, wopila, khob chai, matondo, gratias ago, paldies, gràçie, matondi, ačiū, bedankt, благодарам, misaotra, terima kasih, nanni, niżżik ħajr, abouï ngan, kia ora, aabhari aahe, welalin, bayarlalaa, barka, takk, mercé, miigwetch, бузныг, danki, mauruuru, manana, motashakkeram, mamnun, dziękuję, obrigado, sukriya, sulpáy, najis tuke, mulţumesc, спасибо, faafetai lava, gratzias, tapadh leat, хвала, ke ya leboha, marahaba, waita, meharbani, stuutiyi, ďakujem, hvala, hvala, waad, mahadsantahay, fofo, nouari, gracias, asante, tack, salamat, mauruuru, rahmat, tanmirt, nandri, rahmat, dhanyavadalu, ขอบคุณครับ, yekeniele, m-sapo, tualumba, kurre sumanga, teşekkür ederim, tau, дякую, shukriya, rahmat, rahmat, cám ơn, malo te ofa, gråces, diolch, mèsi, djiere dieuf, enkosi, kettu'i, a dank, o sheun, ngiyabonga kakhulu

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