
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Upcoming Reviews for August 2013

Being the "log watcher" that I am, I try and determine what people are looking for and I see if it fits into the category of something I would personally want to have or use.

One of the things I see, are hundreds of searches for "Tobacco Flavored" eLiquids.

If you've read my original review about Hangsen eLiquids, I sampled mostly non-tobacco related flavors.  In this upcoming review, I'm going to review these 6 Tobacco Flavors:

Arabic Tobacco Flavor

Cigar Flavor
Eastern Tobacco Flavor
Indian Tobacco Flavor
Marlboro Red Flavor

Update 8/26/2013: The Hangsen Tobacco review is UP!  Go get it HERE...

And as a bonus and something I'm sure you've come across in your eLiquid travels....

Vitamin A Flavor eLiquid

Update 8/28/2013: The Vitamin A flavored eLiquid review is UP!, Go get it HERE...

I have no idea what this is.  I can't find any reviews on it anywhere, so I figured I'd be the first.  Keep your eyes peeled...

Hangsen has many flavors to choose from (more than 200 from what I understand), but since money doesn't grow on trees, I have to be somewhat selective when I bring in new devices and eLiquids.

Update 8/16/2013: After months of teasing you, the review for the Sigelei #19 review is being put together as we speak.  Keep your eyes peeled for a revealing and insightful review on Sigelei and this Mechanical Mod!

Update 8/23/2013: The Sigelei #19 Review is UP!  Go get it HERE...

Also (and I eluded to this in a recent post), Tasty Vapers! is now averaging in excess of 11,000 Unique visitors every month and with that kind of readership comes opportunities for sponsorship and other relationships to be formed with makers and sellers alike.  And while I'll never take a penny to review a product, I expect to see more products made available to me at no cost.  Free is always nice, but good reviews only come from honesty, not from money.

As always, thank  you for your support, thank you for your comments and thank you for Liking it, Tweeting it, Sharing it, +1ing it and telling your dog about it, etc...  ;)

Without the support of your dog (errr, you), we wouldn't be where we are today!  ;)

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