
Monday, October 28, 2013

Devices that use the ProTank Atomizer Heads

So as I eluded to in a previous Blog entry, there are now EASILY more than 10 devices available for sale that use the Kanger designed ProTank Atomizer heads.

Since the traffic to this Blog shows an increasing interest in ProTank related devices I decided to put together a nice and easy chart so that you can easily see the differences between the devices.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kanger UniTank (Non-Review)

So today I'm not going to be reviewing the new Kanger UniTank...

Kanger UniTank

Good...  ;)

Upcoming Reviews for November 2013

So right now I'm waiting on something that (according to many people) is supposed to "rock my world".

As most of you who've been following me for any amount of time knows, I depend on the Kanger designed ProTank Atomizer Heads to Vaporize my eLiquids.  However, there are some cases where the ProTank heads just can't reproduce flavor the way they're supposed to (Boba's Bounty anyone).

1. I'll be reviewing a SvoёMesto Kayfun v3.1 ES (clone) as soon as I receive it.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Kayfun/Taifun/Russian/etc types of devices, they're a ReBuildable Atomizer that functions on the same premise as a ProTank, except with the ability to atomize more eLiquid (due to greater surface area), provide greater airflow (thanks to an adjustable valve) and therefore provide ProTank type performance, but stepped up to the next level.

Well, at least that's what's supposed to happen in theory anyway...  ;)

Won't you join me for this review?
Keep your eyes peeled mid-November for this one...

2. Also and of very high interest to me....  I purchased a moderate quantity of both 1/4" Silica Rope and 1/4" Cotton Rope to test with the Kayfun.  Why?  Yeah... About that...  I've got this crazy idea, that instead of bundling, wrapping or creating fancy shapes with your wick, that you can just have a nice single strand do all the work for you.  Am I right?  I don't know.  Since I've never seen anyone use anything this large before (not that 1/4" is exactly large), I'm hoping that one of my crazy ideas will pay off.  Just keep in mind, you'll need either a Kayfun or a Dripper to take advantage of this particular size wick, so...  Anyway, we'll see what happens...  Right now I plan on including this as part of the Kayfun review.

Update 11/5/2013: So I finally got a replacement battery for my digital micrometer and the first thing I did was measure this new wick!  Seems like wick isn't measured to the same level of specificity that things made of metal are.  Well, then again, I can't tell you how many wobbly 510 drip-tip sockets I have, so maybe that isn't even so...  Anyway, these 2 different wicks that I have are 9/64", not 1/4".  That works out to be 3.77mm.  Regardless, I'm still really excited to see how well this stuff works!  Hmmm...  Now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps they're 1/4" once they've absorbed eLiquid?  --runs off to test!

3. As I told you in my Blog Reboot post, I cancelled some reviews last month.  There's one thing that I think deserves to be reviewed and that's the Private V2 - Tritone Clone.  It's an exact replica of the real thing (minus the center-pin).  I've been using it for the past month and I'd like to do a short review for those of you who are looking for a stylish and properly performing mod (that also happens to cost under $25!!!).  Hey, for those of you in the UK, that's about £16!!!  Anyway, keep your eyes peeled!

Update 11/5/2013: This review is up!  Read it HERE...

And if you want to be updated the moment these get posted, use the Follow option in the right-hand pane.  Don't worry, Google does NOT share your email addresses with me.

(images used above sourced from

Sunday, October 20, 2013

ProTank Head Longevity Study

So a couple of months ago, it occurred to me that I should really try and figure out how long these heads REALLY last.  But as I tested them, I discovered something that really surprised me...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Blog Reboot!

So I just got a couple of really nice kicks in the pants from Theo (from The Netherlands), Anna & John, asking me what happened to the Blog over the past month or so...

John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans...."  (it's not his quote, he just made it a more popular saying)

No excuses, after I came back from my short trip to Boston last month, I got hit with a huge amount of real-world things to handle and just couldn't make it back here.  It's not that I didn't want to, it's not that I didn't care, it's not that I lost interest, I just couldn't do it...

However, I'd like to update you on what's going on here NOW...

1. First of all, as many of you active readers know, I planned on doing a review for yet another dripper.  Well, I've cancelled it.  I'm cancelling all future dripping related reviews.  Dripping is by its very nature inconsistent and troublesome, which kind of goes against the whole concept of this Blog.  If you drip, God Bless you, keep on keepin' on and drip to your hearts content.  Vape whatever you want as long as it keeps you away from the Analogs.

2. Tasty Vapers! was averaging about 10,000 readers monthly at the beginning of August.  By the beginning of September, that number was 11,000.  Now, just more than midway through October 2013, I'm currently looking at just over 15,000 visitors this month.  WOW!

3. The comments keep on rolling in (through the contact form), but this Blog only has *2* Followers.  One from California and one from Canada.  If you like this Blog, please let others know about it.  Please click on the links all over the place to Follow, Like, Share, etc.  There's a nice "Join this site" button in the right hand pane for you to click on, to easily Follow this blog!

4. For those of you who pay attention, I am a Non-Denominational Christian Minister.  For those of  you who don't understand what Non-Denominational means, it means that I don't subscribe to any of the many varied denominations (or religions) such as Pentecostal, Episcopal, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, etc..

I get roughly 4 comments or contacts every single month from people who have self-appointed themselves "in charge" of letting me know that there is "no God" and that "the Bible is so full of contradictions, that only an idiot would believe that it's true".  First of all, I delete those comments, because it's severely off-topic when they're posted in a review for say, Boba's Bounty.  Second, because I'm acutely aware (by the content of your message) that you don't care about the truth, you only care about how you feel about the truth.

5. Beginning today, I am going to begin to tie my other Blog into this one.  So if you see some non-Vape related posts, you know why.

6. I need to get some opinions from my readers.  Everybody is telling me that it's time to monetize my Blog.  I'm torn on this.  My primary hang-up, is that I don't want adverts for products that I say are junk to appear on my Blog.  I could probably make a few shekels every month if I do though...  Anyway, I'd like to know what you all think about it.

Aside from the above, thank you all very much for your continued support of my blog.

And I'd like to apologize to anyone whose missed my weekly musings...  ;)
I'll try and make it up to you...

(image used above sourced from